Make an appointment for a demo +46 73 656-2884

VEHICLE CLOUD is created by qupec AB 2017 with the goal of enabling  efficient communication between customers and companies, between co-workers / B2B and improving sales processes in the car dealer industry.

VEHICLE CLOUD is an online communication cloud service / customer contact system (CCS: customer contact system) that is developed and adapted to companies with an interest in vehicles: authorized dealers of new vehicles, sales of used cars / light trucks / motorcycles and workshop / service. VEHICLE CLOUD has 5 main functions: reminders, online booking, newsletter / marketing, survey, sales support. VEHICLE CLOUD increases sales in the workshop, monitors the sales process and increases customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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19460 Upplands Väsby

Our hours

9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Monday – Friday

Contact us

Tel.: +46736562884

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